الأربعاء، سبتمبر ١٤


Casemix provides the health care industry with a consistent method of classifying types of patients, their treatment and associated costs. It includes developing and implementing casemix classifications, tools and services
The terms of reference of the Review were to look at all processes associated with the cyclical development of the system to assess opportunities for business process improvements that could be realised to offer better value for money and ensure Australia remains an international leader in this area. The Department would like to implement all recommendations from the Review.
The Review undertook to examine the processes associated with management of the system, perform an economic analysis of the investment return of the system and examine examples of international practice against which to improve the efficient and effective management of the system by the Australian Government. It did this through a combination of desktop analysis, international survey and consultation with around 140 stakeholders representing the diversity of interests in the system.
The key findings of the review of the AR-DRG classification system consisted of 8 major recommendations (with 26 sub-recommendations). The material covered by the review is complex and one of the clear statements is that the system reaps benefits to the community of around $4 billion per annum in savings (for bed days) against an estimated annual cost of $10 million.

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