الخميس، سبتمبر ١٥

الدرس (4) تعريفات للمهتمين بالترميز الصحي

Complication and/or comorbidity (CC) 

CC codes are diagnoses that are likely to result in significantly greater resource consumption.

Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)

A patient classification scheme that provides a clinically meaningful way of relating the types of patients treated in a hospital to the resources required by the hospital.

DRG cost weight

A measure of the relative cost of a DRG. Usually the average cost across all DRGs is chosen as the reference value, and given a weight of 1.

Episode of care

A period of health care with a defined start and end (HDSC 2008).

Error DRGs

In AR-DRG Version 6.0, hospital records that contain clinically atypical or invalid information are assigned to one of three error DRGs:
960Z Ungroupable
961Z Unacceptable Principal Diagnosis
963Z Neonatal Diagnosis Not Consistent W Age/Weight

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